Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bye-bye, Binkie!

At last! We are done with binkies! Any of you who have children with this attachment disorder know how difficult it can be to rid them of the binkie. I am pleased to say that things went very smoothly with Ava. She still will ask for it at nap time and bedtime, (it's only been 2 days) but I tell her that it's broken and we had to throw it away (she did bite a rather large hole in it). Then she'll say, "All gone?" and I say "Yes, all gone." And that's that. No tears, no tantrum. Now if we can only get her to use the potty...


annjeanette said...

Congrats! And potty training. I feel your pain. So glad I am done with that for a couple of years.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Grant only used his binkie for a couple of months, thank goodness!